The Bertone Coupé series from Alfa Romeo, besides being considered one of the most emblematic lines from the House of the Biscione, can also count on a fabulous sporting palmarès.
From GTA of the mid-1960s to GTV 2000s of the late 1970s, these cars continued to collect successes on track or in rallies, in the European Touring Car Championship or as production cars.
Alfa Romeo Coupé Bertone en compétition traces this saga, reviving the memory of exceptional champions such as Jean Rolland and Bernard Consten, and many others.
In addition to numerous anecdotes, testimonies and a rich iconography, mostly unpublished, this volume provides exhaustive tables with sporting results, making it a reference text for all Alfa Romeo enthusiasts.
192 pages and more than 300 pictures.
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Maglieri Claudio - Forti Gianfabio
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