In a period of strong social contrasts, inside and outside the factories, the Alfettina was born from the need to find a successor to the Giulia, a car whose technical qualities had brought Alfa Romeo incomparable commercial success.
Compared to the larger Alfetta, the company decided that the successor would have to be offered with lower cubic displacement engines and trim, also in view of a crisis that showed no sign of loosening its grip.
And if technically the transaxle scheme remains virtually unchanged, from a design point of view, Project 116 will break the mould, dividing public opinion for its lines that were perhaps too avant-garde.
Referred to as the "sports wedge", it would soon be criticised by the motoring press for its "duck butt", i.e. the characteristic third volume designed by Ermanno Cressoni, then working at the Alfa Romeo Style Centre.
That solution, on the other hand, futuristic and continued with the updates of the later series, represents the model's strong point today: modern, agile and fun, with a wide range of engines, from the smallest 1.3 up to the rarer 2.0 Turbodiesel and 2.0 Turbo petrol prepared by Autodelta.
A history waiting to be discovered, that of Giulietta 116, a democratic car capable of bewitching all social classes with its allure, being used by both the police and the underworld, with exploits that would be captured in several films, both detective and comic, which have now become authentic cult films.
120 pages. Hundreds of b/w and colour photos. Text in Italian.
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