Understanding how the aerodynamics of a racing car works can seem difficult. Calculations, drawings and simulations: engineer's things.
In reality, with the right examples and very simple diagrams to follow, using a more practical approach, it is possible to understand how formula cars work even without a great deal of basic technical knowledge.
Any enthusiast can learn about aerodynamics and the rules needed to create these cars, and simply by having a good teacher, able to use the right language, is enough to get started.
This book has been written with this aim, abandoning for a moment the physical and mathematical equations and assuming a more discursive tone, with examples easily replicable in everyday life, the text wants to explain the basics of the technique of the fastest cars in the world even to those who are trying to study them for the first time.
Once you have learned the main physics of racing, you will enjoy this wonderful sport even more!
2024 Edition.
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Maglieri Claudio - Forti Gianfabio
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