Not only aircraft. The Aero Caproni Trento industry also produced motorbikes. Between 1951 and 1962, thousands of Capriolo motorbikes were produced in the Arco and Gardolo plants, first under the Aero Caproni name (1951-1957), then under the company Aeromere (1957-1962).
This is a catalogue book of the exhibition at Gianni Caproni Aeronautical Museum in Trento - Dalle ali alle ruote: il Capriolo. Epopea di una moto trentina (1951-1962) from 25 June to 3 July 2022 - a summary (but not too much) of the great work of research and material collection carried out by the curators.
The exhibition, born from the collaboration between Fondazione Museo storico del Trentino and Registro Storico Capriolo, displays eight vintage Capriolo motorcycles. They are the centrepiece of this exhibition, original examples (or restored like the originals), with different displacements and construction characteristics; they encapsulate the history of this Trentino motorbike.
The documentation collected completes and enriches the exhibition, accompanying the visitor along a route that runs along two parallel tracks.
The first track illustrates models produced, displacements, manufacturing characteristics, chassis and engines, and sales of each model.
The second track, on the other hand, shows the historical and social evolution, the context all around Capriolo: birth, company changes, leisure and work time, the motorisation that Capriolo also helped to shape.
What emerges is a cross-section of a well-made motorbike, able to carve out its own space, testified to by its good commercial response and success in sporting competitions.
The catalogue contains photographs specially taken at the museum, many of documents on display and all texts, both from historical and technical sections.
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