Five Chapters cover the five Maserati voiturette models, in the order 4CS, 4CM, 6CM, 4CL and 4CLT, the four-cylinder and six-cylinder, 1100cc and 1500cc sports and racing cars, of which Maserati built just over a hundred examples between 1932 and 1951 (plus 13 spare engines).
Historical sections give a yearly overview of sports car, voiturette or Grand Prix racing (according to model). These overviews precede a description of each batch of cars produced in the relevant chapter.
For each individual car produced, a chassis by chassis description is followed by:
Technical sections follow the description of each batch of cars in the respective chapter.
From Voiturettes to Formula 1 - Maserati 1100cc and 1500cc racing and sports cars from 1931 to 1951 has 460 pages and 705 b/w images.
Limited edition of 500 numbered copies.
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Giunta Giovanni
Robinson Joshua - Clegg Jonathan
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