Light tractors, from the early 1930s onwards, were the essential elements for towing and handling divisional artillery in peace and in all the theatres of operations in which our army was present.
This book deals with the TL 31 and TL 37 light tractors, also taking up something of what had already been published by the Gruppo Modellistico Trentino for study and historical research by the Prof. Nicola Pignato and Filippo Cappellano.
Naturally, all the information, photos and documents not available at the time of printing have been included.
In addition, a completely new initial part has been added concerning the origins of towing divisional artillery and the birth of the first real light tractor of the Royal Army: the TL 31.
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Pieri Mario - Guglielmi Daniele - Riccio Ralph
Finazzer Enrico - Carretta Luigi
Mcnab Chris
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