The Jaguar XK8 is an extremely robust car and well-built overall.
This guide will help you to buy a car on a budget, and really know what you are buying. Extremely straightforward and easy to read, it is aimed at those with no specialist knowledge.
As well as providing historical background on the Jaguar XK8 and XKR (X100 model), the guide will provide you with a list of all the databases, tools, sites and services you need to check the car you are thinking of buying (from original mileage to accessories and originality).
It also contains comprehensive guidance on how to determine the value of the XK8 or XKR you are about to buy and basic negotiation skills to help you find a deal at the right price. Finally, it contains useful guidance on how to import a car from abroad should you wish to do so.
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Carlow Den - Clausager Anders Ditlev - Skilleter Paul
Berardi Fabio - Bardelli Gian Luca
Stevens Peter
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