Few models have entered the history of two wheels like the Kawasaki 500. Born in 1969, with the Honda 750, it originated with its rival Four the "big bang" of maxi motorbikes in the 1970s.
And the Mach III does this much more so since it is not a big bike, but it rides as if it was, beating in acceleration also motorbikes with double displacement, thanks to its extremely powerful three-cylinder two-stroke engine, a configuration until then typical only of Grand Prix bikes.
If the engine proved to be a barrel of dynamite, the same cannot be said of its chassis, which struggled to harness all that horsepower.
After the Honda 750 Four, a monograph on the Mach III could not be missing in the series Le moto che hanno fatto la storia, and, specifically, the story of an authentic myth, dreamt of by the sportsmen of the time and by the collectors of today who do everything possible to own one in their garage.
Kawasaki 500 Mach III. 250, 350 e 400 has 120 pages and hundreds of images in b/w and colour.
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Marsden David
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