Lo Zen e l'arte della manutenzione della motocicletta is a book written in 1974 by Robert M. Pirsig. It is a sort of autobiography of a journey (somewhere between the real and the metaphorical) in which the author and his son Chris cross the United States from Minnesota to California by motorbike.
The tale of the journey, full of detailed descriptions, is interspersed with philosophical digressions.
In this way a complex architecture of the tale is outlined, which is resolved on two levels of narration: one descriptive and the other a philosophical-spiritual investigation.
A great adventure, riding a motorbike and the mind. A varied vision of America on the road and a lucid, tortuous initiatory journey,
What is the difference between those who ride motorbikes knowing how the bike works and those who do not? To what extent should one take care of the maintenance of one's motorbike?
While gazing at dazzling blue fields of flaxen flowers, an answer is formulated in the narrator's mind: "The Buddha, the Divine, dwells in the circuitry of a calculator or in the gears of a motorbike gearbox just as comfortably as on top of a mountain or in the petals of a flower".
This thought is the tiny lever that will be used to raise other immediately looming questions: where does technology come from, why does it cause hatred, why is it illusory to escape it? What is Quality? Why can't we live without it?
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