Four volumes, and 1140 pages, to tell the story of Italian motorbikes in their first 50 years. Moto Italiane. I primi 50 anni 1895-1945 is an exceptional encyclopaedic work dedicated to Italian motorbike manufacturers active from 1895 to 1945.
An in-depth overview of the first 50 years of the history of Italian motorbikes through an alphabetical treatment that covers both the major manufacturers and brands now disappeared.
In fact, the work is organised in alphabetically ordered monographs so that all information on each manufacturer can be quickly found. Corporate or commercial links with other manufacturers, where verified, have been highlighted.
The alphabetical index at the end of the last volume makes possible the tracing of news related to the various personalities mentioned. All the material reproduced is original or taken from publications of the time. The dating of illustrations is accurate and refers to the date of publication.
This volume, number 2 of 4, includes motorcycle brands from letter E to letter L.
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Togashi Yoko
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