The feeling of being an ‘alfista’ was, and still is for many, a real way of understanding the car, of conceiving it not just as a simple means of transport but, on the contrary, as an object capable of giving unique and unrepeatable sensations.
Just as unrepeatable were the years when Milan was not only capital of fashion and design but also and especially of the automobile, thanks to Alfa Romeo but not only. An era that now seems light years away, with only the Museo Storico di Arese and a few other niche realities able to keep alive the memory of those glorious years.
Precisely at a time when the automobile seems to have become Milan's ‘enemy number one’, the book retraces the most significant stages in the long history of the House of the Biscione, its extraordinary technological evolution and how it has formed the heart of the city and the very pride of its citizens.
… Quando l'Alfa Romeo era Milano.
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