A new volume on the legend of Henri Toivonen, the very strong rally driver who died tragically in the Tour de Corse 1986, told by Marco Cariati with unpublished ideas, photos and curiosities. With... Read more
Publisher: Youcanprint
Language: Italian

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A new volume on the legend of Henri Toivonen, the very strong rally driver who died tragically in the Tour de Corse 1986, told by Marco Cariati with unpublished ideas, photos and curiosities.

With his premature death, he immediately became a legend, a sort of tragic parallel with the story of Gilles Villeneuve.

Two drivers who enchanted the whole world with their acrobatic races that allowed them to conquer impossible successes, but without ever winning a title, because the instinctive component has always got the better of the accounting one.

"Toivo" is the title of the book that takes up the nickname with which the friends and the team had renamed Henri Toivonen, son of the European champion Pauli.

Eleven thematic chapters - enriched with 170 splendid colour and black and white images, many unpublished - reconstruct his life and sports career.

A complete story from the beginnings in karting, to rallies, track races and its navigators, the world championship chances.

The main races of his career, which are the basis of the legendary halo that has always surrounded him, presenting him to the world as the predestined Lancia Martini Racing team.

Product specification

In paperback
Publication date
15 x 23 x 1 cm

Additional information

Book type or Series
History; Racing

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