Addio Campione i cavalieri dell'impossibile, published in 1977, and written by Ezio Pirazzini, evokes already in its title, some topics recurrent in the twenty-two biographical stories of the book: the ineluctability of death, the conscience of risk, the challenges to the limit and mocking destiny.
The twenty-two 'Greats' covered in the book: Tonino Benelli, Tazio Nuvolari, Achille Varzi, Amedeo Ruggeri, Luigi Arcangeli, Pietro Ghersi, Guglielmo Sandri, Riccardo Brusi, Antonio e Alberto Ascari, Amilcare Moretti, Giordano Aldrighetti, Dorino Serafini, Piero Taruffi, Omobono Tenni, Dario Ambrosini, Nello Pagani, Bruno Ruffo, Carletto Ubbiali, Libero Liberati, Umberto Masetti, Tarquinio Provini.
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De Angelis Pietro M.
Togashi Yoko
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