Carlo Abarth was a motorbike racer, entrepreneur and stylist, but above all an outstanding car manufacturer. The Abarth racing team and private drivers won more than 7,000 races with his models up to 1971, and his racing car projects are still legendary today.
Anneliese Abarth, wife of this brilliant and versatile talent, draws a multifaceted portrait of the passionate perfectionist Carlo Abarth, who sought to combine beauty and great results in everything he did.
The rough edges of his extraordinary personality provided material for countless anecdotes and legends already in the 1960s. Anneliese Abarth now reveals a private and until now unknown side of the Abarth myth.
More than ten years after its first publication, the reprint of the German edition of the successful book published in Italy by ASI with the title Carlo Abarth: la mia vita con il geniale costruttore d'auto.
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Carani Cesare
Amante Francesco - Basalu' Lodovico
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