Between December 1950 and February 1951, two women, Gabrielle D'Ieteren and Charlotte Van Marcke de Lummen, decided to take part in the first edition of the Méditeranée - Le Cap, the world's hardest car race.
The two women, driven by an insatiable curiosity and desire for knowledge, will cross the entire African continent from Algiers to Cape Town in forty days. At the departure from Algiers, the great Italian journalist Egisto Corradi reports in his correspondence for Corriere della Sera that a German car driven by two elderly Belgian ladies, the only all-female crew in the Rallye is also taking part in the competition.
At the finish line, among general incredulity, they will be first in their category. The diary pages of this adventure offer the reader an image of a vanished Africa seen through the eyes of two brave and intelligent women.
Text in Italian.
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