A fantastic book for those wishing to expand their knowledge in the early history of the Alfa Romeo and its cars, Luigi Fusi brings together a wealth of material to produce the "best work" on the famous Merosi designed cars.
The book covers the Alfa Romeo 24hp, 12 hp, 15,15-20,40-60 hp, 1914 Grand Prix, 20-30Es. Then the G1, RL Turismo, Sport Sport, RM Normale, Sport, Unificato, RL Targa Florio 1923 & 1924 and finally the 1923 (P1) Gran Premio Romeo.
There are individual chapters with technical specifications, lines drawings of some of the mechanical components, and a superb selection of photographic illustrations.
This book can be considered a rigorous reconstruction of the early history of the Alfa Romeo, with the intent to make us understand that we reached today cannot ignore characters like and Romeo and Merosi.
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Rangoni Machiavelli Claudio
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