Monograph by Nicola Pignato - first published in 2000 - on the Autocarrette OM (32, 35, 36 and 37) and the SPA CL 30, with an extensive description of the origins of the infantry truck.
The origins of this means of transport can be traced back to 1927, when a special competition for a small mountain lorry was held for automobile companies.
Despite the old idea of using the vehicle only in mountain areas, from a technical point of view the realization of this project was extremely positive as the product lived up to expectations and fulfilled the functions for which it had been created.
The work presented here analyses the historical and technical aspects of the different versions, and then focuses on the use of the vehicles in all operative theatres. Finally, the book dwells on the study of the SPA CL 39 light truck, which was also used on all the fronts of the Second World War and then by the New Army until the mid-1950s.
The volume includes many technical drawings of the main models and line sketches taken from original period catalogues.
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Tallillo Antonio - Tallillo Andrea
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