This new chapter in the history of motorbike production in Bologna still bears witness to the vitality of this industry during a particular decade in the economic and social history of our country.
In the post-World War II period, national motorbike production resumed and Bologna was soon confirmed as one of the most dynamic production areas. Between industry and craftsmanship, Bolognese companies took on the needs of the period, focusing their proposals on small and medium-sized motorcycles, showing surprising productive vivacity and great care for both technique and aesthetics.
The volume includes fifty-five brands among which stand out important names like F.B Mondial and MI-VAL, Ducati and Moto Morini, or even M.M. and C.M. There is also a wide overview of the racing life of those years, full of successes and titles.
Moto Bolognesi degli anni '50 has 240 pages and hundreds of b/w and colour pictures.
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