A perfect plan developed over almost a year: to kidnap the best pilot in the world, Niki Lauda, at the moment of his maximum ascent in the mid-seventies.
A blitz capable of yielding a great redemption capable of turning the life of its two creators, an Austrian and an Italian.
A story that originates from afar and unravels between Bologna and Friuli Venezia Giulia, with true and surprisingย ๏ฌash, largely little known by the Formula 1 circuits.
Carlo Cavicchi on this "rumor, never tried and never denied" weaves his novel, between illicit bets, closed houses, sincere loves and other betrayed, with a compelling plot, like a true mystery.
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Frangione Enzo - Frangione Beatrice
Maglieri Claudio - Forti Gianfabio
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