The Florios' epic story has become legendary, a family of entrepreneurs who won fame and admiration in Europe and the Mediterranean, so powerful in the international economic world as to merit respect and consideration from the royal houses and the most noble dynasties of wealthy and industrial Europe.
A history that is intertwined with the Florios' pioneering ability to seize the moment of an era that was facing modernity and to cultivate the revolutionary idea of bringing many worlds together through a car race that for the first time attracted the noblesse and crowned heads of all Europe to the start of a sporting event that over time has become the oldest race in the world: the "Targa Florio".
A name, an event that not only bears witness to the evolution of a century of motor racing and, therefore, of the technologies linked to the development of an industrial sector that has profoundly changed the life of man and his mobility, but that has also represented the history and culture of a territory that through the Targa Florio has known its greatest splendour but also, in some phases, a slow decline.
Courses and recurrences of history, linked to a symbolic place of rare beauty, the Madonie, today the heart of a great natural park that, under the aegis of UNESCO, protects its extraordinary rarities, honours its peculiarities and reminds the world how precious these mountains are.
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Accardi Francesco - Zarcone Roberta
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