This volume traces the extraordinary life of Marcel Villard, whose career was marked by unwavering determination and remarkable ingenuity. He was born on 14 April 1890 in Pont-en-Royan from a modest family.
His birthplace, a small village of Seine-et-Marne, was transformed by industrialisation in response to the growing needs of the French capital. It was in this context that he began his industrial adventure, experimenting with a rudimentary mechanical system that was to become the mainstay of his career.
Marcel Villard's youth was marked by a quest for knowledge and experience. He soon found a job that allowed him to explore many aspects of mechanics and to perfect his skills. Over the years, he developed his mechanical system, an invention that would seal his destiny.
However, his real tour de force came when he decided to found his own company, called "les Cyclecars Villard". This company produced a series of revolutionary models, characterised by the bold use of front-wheel drive instead of rear-wheel drive, long before the famous Tracta and Citroën front-wheel drives. The vehicles designed by Marcel Villard attracted the attention of the public with their ingenious design and exceptional performance.
Unfortunately, in 1936, the persistent economic crisis ended this exceptional adventure. Nevertheless, Marcel Villard showed his tenacity and ability of adaptation by revisiting his patented mechanical system.
He founded the "Vélostable" company, with which he continued to explore the possibilities offered by "his" mechanics. His main contribution in this field was the invention and development of the constant velocity joint, known today as "CARDAN". This innovation had a significant impact on the automotive industry and has lasted over time.
Marcel Villard's life ended on 14 July 1966, taking part of its history with him. It is an eloquent example of perseverance, innovation and determination, the results of which continue to inspire future generations.
190 lavishly illustrated pages. Text in French.
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Maglieri Claudio - Forti Gianfabio
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