Following the one hundred or so interviews featured in the two successful volumes of Formula 1 Storie di piccoli e grandi eroi, Mario Donnini continues his enthralling exploration and sheds light on those figures from the circus who have given so much without ever driving or lending their name to a Grand Prix car, but instead designing, tending to and even dreaming of them, enjoying special relationships with champions, races and events associated with the World Championship.
Here is the third part of the series, focused on personal and surprising interviews with engineers, managers, team coordinators, technicians, designers, commissioners, mechanics, and also priests, plus conductors who have only touched F1, consoling themselves with careers as toreros in Mexican arenas, stuntmen at Hollywood or gold diggers in forgotten forests.
The protagonists of this book, in order of appearance, are:
Mauro Forghieri, Brenda Vernor, Nadia Alboreto, Niki Lauda, Mariana Reutemann, Dodo Regazzoni, Nicolas Todt, Enrico Zanarini, Giorgio Piola, Don Sergio Mantovani, Alberto Antonini, Viviane Senna, Jo Ramirez, Domenico Salcito, Rudolf Ratzenberger, Marcello Sabbatini, Gianni Cancellieri, Italo Cucci, Carlo Cavicchi, Giorgio Serra, Angelo Orsi, Ercole Colombo, Giorgio Faletti, Luigi Montanini, Andrea De Adamich.
320 pages and hundreds of b/w and colour photos.
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De Silvestri Fosco
Robinson Joshua - Clegg Jonathan
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