The experience told by Ted Simon has inspired thousands of motorcyclists, including Ewan McGregor, who based the TV series Long Way Round from this book, in which the actor together with Charley Boorman makes a journey around the world by motorbike.
Leaving on 6 October 1973 in the saddle of a Triumph, Ted Simon travelled for four years alone through deserts, mountains, oceans and jungles, overcoming unharmed the war between Egypt and Israel, the revolution in Mozambique and Peru, Afghan sniper fire and Brazilian jails. He fell and got back up hundreds of times thanks to the strength of his spirit and his meeting with extraordinary men.
He returned to Europe in 1977 and collected his experiences in this book, winning the heart of every traveller. I viaggi di Jupiter is the spiritual testament of a man who had the courage to abandon himself to the call of adventure, experiencing the fragility of life and at the same time its infinite beauty.
1973. Inghilterra, Francia, Italia, Tunisia, Libia, Egitto, Sudan, Etiopia. 1974. Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Botswana, Rhodesia, Sudafrica, Swaziland, Mozambico, Brasile, Argentina, Cile.
1975. Bolivia, Perù, Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Honduras, Guatemala, Messico, Usa, Fiji, Nuova Zelanda, Australia.
1976. Singapore, Malesia, Thailandia, India, Sri Lanka, Nepal. 1977. Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Turchia, Grecia, Jugoslavia, Austria, Germania, Svizzera, Francia, Inghilterra.
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Togashi Yoko
Campigotto Antonio - Fragnelli Benedetto - Grandi Maura - Ruffini Enrico
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