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Paris and three of its outlying departments, Marseilles and its industrial and port complexes are unique because they are defended against fires, accidents, disasters and calamities of all kinds by... Read more
Publisher: E.t.a.i.
Language: French

Price: โ‚ฌ 39,00
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Paris and three of its outlying departments, Marseilles and its industrial and port complexes are unique because they are defended against fires, accidents, disasters and calamities of all kinds by military fire forces.

Why and under what circumstances were these units created? How are they organised, commanded and administered? What is their relationship with the civil authorities? Who are the men and women who have chosen to serve in them? How do they combine their professional vocation with a career in the armed forces? How are they prepared to carry out the ever-increasing missions entrusted in all circumstances and with maximum operational efficacy?

The author, Jean-Claude Demory, journalist and historian, has tried to answer these questions through reports, interviews, anecdotes and portraits. There is also a focus on the rituals and traditions that underpin the daily life and operational activities of these units, which have no equivalent elsewhere.

An interesting chapter is dedicated to the Air Force fire department. Airmen from the fire-fighting unit of the 112 air base, near Reims, tell their special missions.

René Dosne, official illustrator of the Paris Fire Department, has added his figurative talent to the 250 photos and documents in this book, the first entirely dedicated to the military firefighters of the three Armed Forces.

Pompiers militaires de France, published in 1997, has 144 extensively illustrated pages, with 250 colour and b/w photos.

Product specification

In hardback
Publication date
24 x 32 x 2 cm

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