La tradizione della Rivista Ferrari, interrotta per dieci anni, riprende nel 1989, l'anno successivo alla scomparsa dell'Ingegnere Enzo Ferrari, seguendo fedelmente, con taglio moderno, gli schemi tracciati dal suo fondatore.
Formato cm 21 x 28, doppia copertina ripiegata in cartoncino pesante, pagine 116.
Tiratura limitata a 10.000 copie, 8000 delle quali in lingua inglese.
Edizione inglese.
07. The Racing Division. The racing team is supported by an impeccable organisation that designs and builds the Ferrari F1 cars.
20. Profession Test Driver. Journalist Gian Paolo Ormezzano delves into the secrets of Dario Benuzzi at work.
24. The Anniversary Car. F 40: forty years after the first appearance of the Prancing Horse.
76. Ferrari Engineering. The research centre, where the dreams of today are transformed into the designs of tomorrow.
84. 1989 Debuts. Mondial t and 348 tb/ts.
92. Fascinating Females and Flaming Ferraris. Women, especially of the "prima donna" kind have a particular kind of relationship with Ferrari cars that changes with the times, as Alida Militello explains.
100. Art Restoration. There are few craftsmen with the skills to restore an old Ferrari to its original splendour. The workshop of Fiorenzo Fantuzzi show how it can be done.
106. Ferrari at the Le Mans 24 Hours. The Prancing Horse involvement in the historic French race is an epic that ran for 20 years.
114. The Mugello Circuit. A state-of-the-art circuit offering the maximum in technology and safety for test drivers that has become a meeting place for Ferrari customers.
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