The story of Angelo Bellei, graduated as a technician in 1944, a year before the end of the Second World War in a school destroyed by bombs, is that of a man who created, first with Enzo Ferrari, the Drake for everyone, and then with his engineers, the world's most desirable cars.
L'uomo che sussurrava ai motori tells the story of a boy who grew up in Formigine amidst the bombardments and the suburban house who learned to transform drawings with a pencil into 300 km/h vehicles and who for sixty-six years remained, with various tasks, in the same factory.
Told by Saverio Cioce with involving verve, using unpublished documents and the oral testimony of family members and colleagues, the book reconstructs the story of a prominent protagonist in motoring history in Italy and at Ferrari, who, by personal choice, always remained far from the spotlight, preferring to speak with commitment, skill and tenacity rather than seek the limelight.
128 pages. Text in Italian and English.
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